We Need Your Help!
In order to make this bigger, better, greater, and/or just more of a success, we need your feedback! Please fill out the following questions and your feedback will be sent to the PTA Chairperson associated with this event/program/etc. This is anonymous and we really value the opinions of everyone in our Knight Family!
** This page will change as feedback is needed.
** This page will change as feedback is needed.
Bike Rodeo Feedback
This program was held Saturday, Sept 10th in the Mossman Parking Lot in partnership with Boy Scout Troop 176. Feedback is needed from ALL PARENTS regardless of attendance. This information will go to our PTA Chairperson in charge of Programs and will be used to help plan and direct future programs already in the works for the 2016-2017 school year. NO EMAIL address is needed for this survey.